jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My most precious posession is my jacket. Yes, that jacket I bring to the university every day. (And obviously I wear today.)

It must be the only jacket that could keep you warm when it's cold and cool when it's hot. Yes! This jacket does that! It must be something about the material that it is made of, cuz you can walk under the warmest sun and feel cool as a moorish refreshing themselves with their sweat on the desert. It is ideal to support unstable temperature in the classrooms. ;)

I have it around eight or nine months ago. I looked it in a department store, and I love it inmediately. It's original price was around one houndred thousand pesos, but it has a big sign of "60% discount". I'm not a man whom drives crazy with sales, but isn't necessary to be a genius to understand that was a bargain. And (destiny chance) my pocket was full of money: I were just paided in my job and my wage brings with the "Fiestas patrias" bonus. My birthday was near, and I think someone could give it to me if I asked for, but I fell for it. And bought it, of course.

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