jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

Hi, I'm Pablo, and this is my blog for the english class. I could bet than most of you don't know if I am a 'mechón' like you or if I go in a higher grade. OK, I tell you the story:

Yes, I was already a rookie. It was in 2006, and at that time I was 19 years old. I was the same expectations than you must have now: the most prestigious university in Chile, academical excellence, and a long list that makes you think you're the best. And I really was. But I never anticipate the big crash at second semester: Mate II. A three meters wall with Fonseca as Last Name and full of limits, derivatives and integrals that makes me collide with a hard reality at the third attempt: the obligation to resign. And the most frustrating was that in all other classes went great. Well, maybe not, but it was not undignified.

Give in account that I lose two years. Three with the fallow year of introspection and work. (And lots of mambo, of course). I should go in my 4th grade, but now I'm starting everything again. What do you think about that?

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